What India need today at the moment?

2 min readOct 25, 2017

Beside all messed up things ( As my eyes see it sometimes ) there is one Alchemy project which is mostly needed in India and that is the “Conscription Initiation”. India Government specially Prime minister ( Thank god he is Spiritually Bold ) and President Pranav mukherjee ( although i don’s see any quality in him being the President ) have stamina to implement this.

Please read about the Conscription here:

In these countries it is compulsory to serve armed forces. But i personally have better improved idea than Conscription. My idea is to include meditation and peace practices in the process, that’s it, while keep everything same as it is there.

This will bring some muscles in people and a job orientation feature in place.

10 instant benefits will be:

  1. A regulatory orientation would be in place.
  2. A National level job Orientation could be in place.
  3. Awareness will be there in humans.
  4. An advanced training programs will be in place.
  5. Less disease in country.
  6. More growth and better systems will be present.
  7. Same programs can be initiated in other developing countries as well.
  8. Possibility of self disciplined and aware lifestyles.
  9. A system with financial and technological support will be present.
  10. A versatile big data will be present and better management could be possible.

By making this conscription compulsory as same as 2 years for males and 1.5 years for females as soon as they turn 18. This will improve the education also.

While there are billions of benefits from this programs and more can be seen while it will be implemented.

